How to Withdraw Funds From Eternal

Here's a short guide on how to move your funds out of Eternal and into your own wallet via USDC.

Once you have the funds in your Eternal account:

  1. Go to your profile > Wallet
  2. In the Withdraw Amount field, enter the amount you'd like to withdraw
  3. In the Ethereum Address field, enter your Ethereum Address
  4. Click on Withdraw Funds

If you do not yet have an Ethereum wallet, follow this guide to create one via Metamask. Once your Metamask account is set up, you can use the Ethereum address generated to withdraw funds to your account.

Note that there is a 7-day hold for all funds for fraud prevention measures. This means that new funds coming in (via deposits or through moment sales) will be held in your Eternal account for 7 days before it can be withdrawn.