Flash Challenge: Fall Guys

Flash Challenge: Fall Guys

Fall Guys has moved to free-to-play today and we're celebrating!  The Fall Guys Flash Challenge will utilize various rarity Moments featuring Colt Cabana & RealzBlueWater playing Fall Guys!  Collect the required Fall Guys Moments to win a reward Moment featuring Colt Cabana playing Fall Guys!

The challenge will end on 3pm PDT on June 24th. To complete the challenge, make sure you have selected all of the required Moments and clicked "Complete Challenge" in the Challenge Builder. The rarity of the reward Moment will be determined by the amount of people who completed the challenge:
• 50 or less: Mythic
• 51-150: Rare
• 151-300: Uncommon
• 301+: Common


1 Moment must be a common Moment featuring RealzBlueWater playing Fall Guys.
1 Moment must be a common Moment featuring Colt Cabana playing Fall Guys.
1 Moment must be an uncommon Moment featuring Colt Cabana playing Fall Guys.

Reward:  All collectors who complete this challenge will win a brand new Reward Moment featuring Colt Cabana playing Fall Guys!  Access the challenge, and view the Reward Moment here.