Flash Challenge: Axie Forever

Flash Challenge: Axie Forever

Axie Infinity is one of the first and biggest NFT-based online games in history and has a huge global following!  This week, the Axie Forever Flash Challenge will utilize Moments from various Axie Infinity creators, featured in our Arena Packs.  Collect the required Moments from Community Gaming, E1337, Vergil, BlackedOut1, and Disiboi to win a reward Moment featuring Disiboi.

This challenge will end on 3pm PST on April 28. To complete the challenge, make sure you have selected all of the required Moments and clicked "Complete Challenge" in the Challenge Builder. The rarity of the reward Moment will be determined by the amount of people who completed the challenge:
• 50 or less: Mythic
• 51-150: Rare
• 151-300: Uncommon
• 301+: Common


1 Moment must be any Uncommon+ Moment from Community Gaming.
1 Moment must be any Uncommon+ Moment from E1337.
1 Moment must be any Uncommon+ Moment from Vergil.
1 Moment must be any Uncommon+ Moment from BlackedOut1.
1 Moment must be any Rare+ Moment from Disiboi

Reward:  All collectors who complete this challenge will win a brand new Reward Moment featuring Disiboi.  Access the challenge, and view the Reward Moment here.