Eternal Dev Update #1

Eternal is evolving at a rapid pace, so it can be hard to keep up with the latest developments.  Going forward, we will post regular dev updates that:

  • Summarize major developments since the last update
  • Preview what users can expect in the near future

What's New

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Users are rightfully concerned about securing their valuable moments, so it's no surprise that 2FA has been one of the most commonly requested features.  We are happy to report that it's finally here!

You can go into your profile settings and enable 2FA.  Your account will be tied to a phone number and every login will require a code received from text in addition to your password.

Crypto Payments

Since Eternal runs on the blockchain, it's only natural that users should be able to use cryptocurrencies on the platform.

You can now buy moments on the marketplace using ETH and BTC.  Note that the seller does not receive crypto — we credit the seller with the corresponding amount of USD.

Going forward, we will be adding support for more types of cryptocurrencies, notably stablecoins such as USDC and DAI.

Profile Management

As users collect more moments, it has become increasingly unwieldy to navigate the profile page.  We have now introduced search and filters to the profile page, so it's easier than ever to organize your moments by creators, games, rarities, etc.

What's Coming

Purchasing Packs with Balance

Starting from the next drop, you will be able to purchase packs with your Eternal balance.  This is by far the most requested feature and we are happy to deliver it!


Our users are very proud of the moments they have collected, and naturally they have been asking us whether there are better ways to showcase their moments to friends and on social media.  Don't worry — we are working on it!

Creator Profiles

Eternal is not just a platform for collecting moments from your favorite streamers; it's also a great way to discover new streamers!

To that end, we want to do a better job at introducing the creators that have partnered with Eternal.  We will be adding a dedicated section on the website that showcases our creators and some of their best moments.  As a result, users will be able to make more informed decisions on which creators to support and collect moments from.

Ideas & Suggestions?

We are thankful that our users have been candid and helpful in sharing their experience using Eternal with us.  All of the features described in this article were originally suggested by our users.

If you have ideas or suggestions on how we can make Eternal better, please let us know!  The best way to talk to us is through Discord, but make sure to follow us on Twitter as well.