Introducing: Creator Pass

Introducing the Creator Pass, a brand new way to utilize your Moments to connect with your favorite creators!  Creator Passes allow for collectors to realize new tiered rewards specific to their favorite creators, using the Moments in their collections.

Found under the Challenges tab, the Creator Pass has multiple tiers that can be completed for increasingly exclusive rewards. There are some rewards that are limited in quantity so be sure to complete the tiers and claim prizes before they run out!

Moments used for Creator Passes will be locked for the duration of the Creator Pass season which means that they cannot be sold or staked. Each Creator Pass season is expected to last 31 days, with a countdown visible on specific Creator Pass pages.  We will be rolling out Creator Passes for multiple creators in the near future, starting off with...

Anna Demetriou Creator Pass & Creator Pack 2

We love Anna Demetriou!  On 5/10/22, Anna reached her Anna-versary for completing one year of streaming on Twitch, along with selling out her first round of Creator Packs.  So, in celebration, today, we launch Anna's Creator Pass and second Creator Packs.

Anna is our first creator to get a second round of Creator Packs, which are NOW LIVE!  These packs will be full of new Moments from Anna, some of which will be utilized in her first Creator Pass season.

Anna Demetriou Creator Pack 2 Details:

Packs will go live at 2pm PST on 5/12.
$5 per pack, with 100% of proceeds going to Anna
3 Anna Demetriou Moments per pack
600 total packs available
Packs will be available at all times

Are you ready to complete challenges and collect prizes?